Datum 15.12.2021 10-18h
Online Veranstaltung
Die Veranstaltung findet online statt.
Der Zoom-Raum wird zwischen 10:00 und 18:00 bespielt und kann jederzeit besucht werden unter:
Ab 10:20
Präsentation künstlerischer Arbeiten von Studierenden #1
Performance Sandra Bayer
Präsentation künstlerischer Arbeiten von Studierenden #2
Repair Workshop mit Veronika Atzwanger
Präsentation künstlerischer Arbeiten von Studierenden #3
Digitale Performance Lorenz Burkhart
Präsentation künstlerischer Arbeiten von Studierenden #4
IKL Atelier Jour Fixe
Teilnehmende Künstler*innen
Lisa Achammer
Sandra Bayer
Natascha Briza
Lorenz Burkhart
Veza Czyn
Silvano Holunder Derungs
Esther Eigner
Klara Haug
Sophie Neumann und Marlene Jobe
Susanne Ölz
Laura Rameis
Louisa Roubik
Magdalena Schwarz
David Thier
Talitha Twaka
Ein Versuch in Isolation kollektiv zu arbeiten: The exhibition spaces isolate the collective and open jour fixe, while the ability to contact displaces and directs the series of open panoramas. The collective contacts and displaces the virtual and open exhibition space, while the result to isolate amplifies and modulates the semantics. This transparent creative process isolates exhibition spaces and deconstructions to displace a strategie of conterminous indices in sequences. The exhibition of specificities contacts the virtual jour fixe towards a capably displaced creative process. It translates working spaces, both avoiding the inversions and it’s screenings, and disguises them in it’s collective, open creative process. Text by art-words.net
am IKL ist ein von seinen Mitgliedern gemeinschaftlich verwaltetes Kollektiv, welches sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, einen gemeinsamen Raum für Praxis, Austausch und sozialer Begegnung zu schaffen.
Fotografien, 2021 ©Magdalena Schwarz
Videoarbeit, 00:27 Min (Loop), 2018 ©Talitha Twaka
Die Ausstellungsreihe wird von Christoph Urwalek, Elke Krasny, Joonas Lahtinen, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Valerie Lange, Miriam Raggam-Alji, Teresa Gatterer, Maria Kaufmann, ÖH IKL und dem Atelier IKL betreut.
An attempt to work collectively in isolation: The exhibition spaces isolate the collective and open jour fixe, while the ability to contact displaces and directs the series of open panoramas. The collective contacts and displaces the virtual and open exhibition space, while the result to isolate amplifies and modulates the semantics. This transparent creative process isolates exhibition spaces and deconstructions to displace a strategie of conterminous indices in sequences. The exhibition of specificities contacts the virtual jour fixe towards a capably displaced creative process. It translates working spaces, both avoiding the inversions and it’s screenings, and disguises them in it’s collective, open creative process. Text by art-words.net
The Atelier at the IKL is a collective managed by its members, which has set itself the goal of creating a common space for practice, exchange and social encounters.
The presentation takes place in the One Day Exhibitions series, in which students from the faculty of Kunst und Bildung and Gestaltung im Kontext present artistic and designed works in the context of their work. These will take place every three weeks in the winter semester 2021/22 both at the IKL and online in the Virtual Gallery IKL (https://virtual-gallery-ikl.akbild.ac.at).
The exhibition series is supervised by Christoph Urwalek, Elke Krasny, Joonas Lahtinen, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Valerie Lange, Miriam Raggam, Teresa Gatterer, Maria Kaufmann, ÖH IKL and the Atelier IKL.